It’s time to get ahead!
Do you know what you’re posting, sharing, and blogging this Thursday? How about two Thursdays from now? Thursday of next month? How about your promotions?Simply put, a calendar helps us manage our time better. Creating order amongst the chaos to provide clarity, direction and coordinate team members to work towards a common goal.
This template will help you:
See the big picture
Do you ever ask, why the hell am I doing this? By planning ahead, you’ll know exactly where it fits in the scheme of things
Become proactive
It’s finally time to capitalise on your wealth of experience by putting it down on paper
Use social, well!
Plan for seasonal events and start linking campaigns with supporting content
Create better content
Your customers want information! help them understand your business with a clear content strategy
I’ve seen lots of Content Calendars, why’s yours ‘the best’?
It’s easy!
logical steps—minus the fluff
See the whole year
not separate months, on separate tabs
Days of the week, instead of dates
helping you create patterns and form habits
Applicable to everyone
everyone will get something out of it